Saturday, September 10, 2011

"I ran with the wind blowing in my face, and a smile as wide as the Valley of Panjsher on my lips. I ran."

I'd heard of this book a hundred times and it's one of those things that I just tend to stay away from. I don't know if it's all the hype, or just not liking to follow the trends but I was reluctant to read this one. I got it as a gift for my birthday and it came highly recommended so I figured I would clear it from my "to be read shelf." I was actually pretty surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It wasn't ground breaking for me but it did keep me entertained which is what reading is all about.

The Kite Runner tells the life story of Amir, a young Afghan boy who commits a betrayal early in life which follows him and seeps into every decision and moment from then on. He trys to suppress the memory and move on with his life but his emotions can only be buried so deep. He looks for redemption and a way to escape the past while attempting to create a new life. It is a powerful story of human emotion and life themes; regret, loss, love, redemption, friendship, acceptance, guilt.

Through out our lives we all go through times of intense emotion and hardship; coming out on the other side stronger is what makes it all worth while. This story will resonate with everyone on one level or another. Something in it will feel familiar while the author Khaled Hosseini exposes readers to the largely unfamiliar Afghan world.  

It is a fast paced intricate story that deals with emotion without being too sappy, life themes without being cliche, and political unrest without being "political". It is a great casual read and will leave an impression that only good story telling can.

The Kite Runner
Khaled Hosseini
371 pages

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