Wednesday, January 11, 2012


OKAY! OKAY! I'll admit it.....I am a nerd. There, now it's out in the open. Anyways, if your like me and have a soft spot for semi-cheesy, British Science Fiction, then join me fellow Whovians! That's right, our favorite, incomparable, shaggy haired, bow tie wearing, timelord is back in Hunter's Moon.

Doctor Who has been a British institution since the TV show premiered in 1963. He is a timelord who travels in a British telephone booth dubbed the "TARDIS" (you'll have to look up the acronym) and fights all matter of alien and supernatural life forms with the help of a companion and his sonic screwdriver. The tv show is currently operating with its 11th re-incarnation of this beloved character with Matt Smith having taken over from David Tennant.

This particular story takes us to another galaxy when Rory and Amy find themselves having lost the TARDIS and a lifetime of servitude to a shifty card shark. The Doctor must find a way to rescue them and the other citizens who have been placed on the moon as live human prey for rich sadistic men to hunt. All manner of creature, misfortune, and danger stand in the Doctor's way. It's a race to get to the hunted before they become trophies.

So, if you need an easy, easy read and an escape into another world, with aliens, ray guns, and subtle British humor, then take the six hours max this book requires and escape a little bit. It wouln't leave you with any lasting knowledge but it will entertain you.

Happy Reading!

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