Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Hunger Games Trilogy

So, everyone at this point should know that I am not one to follow the fads or fall into mainstream in really any area of my life but especially when it comes to literature. When my fellow fifth graders were reading Charlotte's Web I was reading The Red Badge of Courage. Okay, point made. Now so when it comes to The Hunger Games I had this whole "I'm not going to do it" attitude and then to be quite honest I got tired of hearing people talking it and not being able to contribute in the conversation. I have since caved, read the entire series in a week and a half, and surprised myself in writing here that I actually enjoyed it.

The story of Katniss Everdeen and the world she lives in steals your attention and draws you in right away which is good because your going to be in that world for three whole books. The reading is easy but very entertaining. This is a fun series to start now with the first movie installment coming out in March. I'm interested to see the visual adaptation of these books and their characters. The actors have a lot to live up to.

I'm not going to get too much into the plot of the books here, I reviewed the first installment in my past post if you wan to look into it more. I will say you will not regret reading the trilogy and when the movie hits theaters you can be in a position to compare and contrast which is always a great way to see a movie.

Enjoy the Games. I know I did.

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