Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Personal Note

I'm guessing that if your reading this you somewhat know who I am and what I'm about but I decided I'm going to get a little more personal on this blog and let you know more about me; sort of ramp up the dramatic, human interest angle. I have no idea if it will work or how cheesy it will seem but it's worth a shot.

I moved to a new place about a month ago and now I live alone in a garage apartment which I love. It is in a great location and works so well with my lifestyle. I can walk out my door and be on the waterfront with less than a two minute walk.

However, the absolute best part of my new place is that it has two bedrooms which means I HAVE A LIBRARY! I am able to cross "having a live in library" off my bucket list. I know it's not huge but it is my first edition so to speak and it can only grow from here.

You don't get the whole glory of the room from the photos but it will give you an idea. The top picture is the main wall with my favorite touch of the Gryffindor banner! The short shelf in the middle is all "Unread Books". Yes, I know, I have a problem but in the store I cannot possibly choose just one!!

The photo below is the wall opposite the door with the desk, hand crafted! by my amazing father. He is quite the handy man and has blown me away with this skills a hundred times over. The lounger in the corner is one of my favorite places to be, especially on rainy days like we've had here for the past week.

To me, every book represents an escape. I've found a similar feeling in running but books just let my mind free of myself and my life and allow me to be anywhere and anyone I want to be. Books have shaped my life in a way that has no equal. I truly feel sympathy for people when they say they hate to read because that means they are stuck in reality all the time. 

Well there you have a little piece of me. My library is my safe place and I love hanging out there. Check back soon, I am in the middle of a great book and can't wait to finish it. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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