Saturday, January 19, 2013

We meet again old friend.

Ah the joys of being utterly consumed and over run with life. Sometimes it becomes such a matter of going through the motions that we actually forget we are living and are the captains of our ships.

I digress. I am dusting off the ole keyboard and committing to the blog that I have sorely missed. I have a new perspective and new stories to tell so if you're still interested in the journey, I am here to tell a tale.

First off, I have gotten a new job. Drum roll please......I am now a librarian! Who would have thought right? Well, it seems my life long passion has turned into a money making ventures of sorts for me and I am employed full time in a public library. That was piece of news number one. Number two is that within 5 weeks of being there I got transferred into the children's department. I will now be coordinating and performing story times and children's activities. I am really excited about this new challenge and venture considering my fire for reading happened at such a young age and I have very fond and vivid memories of the books I grew up with years ago. I love seeing children come in the library and start running to the back corner with excitement. The older librarians frown upon such wild and vivid expressions of joy but I just wink at the kids and tell them to run faster. A good book should never have to wait!

I will never forget the days of reading with my mom when I was little; Amelia Bedelia, Frog and Toad, Dr. Seuss, Arthur. Often I find myself at the desk and coming across books that make me stop in my tracks because it brings back a specific moment of my childhood. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to bring back some classics and to discover some new ones.

I will be writing about the books I am reading as well. I have finished some really great ones recently so look back soon for those reviews. I also am mentally if not yet physically committed to writing my own original work. I will not go so far as to call it a book because as of yet it is only multiple ideas swirling around in my mind and who knows what it will turn into.

If you're coming back to the blog, thanks for sticking with me and if you are new, welcome aboard to my life as a lover, sniffer, writer, fan, slave and reviewer of books.

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