Saturday, October 22, 2011

"It's better to ask for forgiveness, than for permission."

If one quote can sum up the complex, brilliant, shockingly real person that is Paul Farmer it would be "We want to be on the winning team, but at the risk of turning our backs on the losers, no it's not worth it." Tracy Kidder becomes Paul Farmer's companion and witnesses an incredible human being with a super human ability to multi task, completely disregard bureaucracy, and be a champion for social justice.

In Mountains Beyond Mountains Kidder tells the story of hot shot doctor Paul Farmer. If there ever is a person that who will leave you with a sense of awe for just what one human being is capable of, it is Farmer. Farmer is a Harvard educated diagnostician who chooses to spend at least 6 physical months of his year in Haiti building a sustainable, self sufficient health faculty. At the same time he finds himself as a professor, diagnostician, clinical researcher, writer, key not speaker, husband, and father, etc etc. Paul Farmer created the international organization Partners in Health which provides health care services in Haiti and several other parts of the world. What I find most impressive about this achievement on Farmer's long list of them is that there is only 5% administrative costs and he has hired many local people in the successful attempt to make them feel invested and better there own lives.

From the very beginning of Kidder's dialogue about Paul Farmer's story you realize that Farmer himself is a man who does what he does from a point of social justice. He doesn't see a reason why the Haitian people should suffer or have worse health care then the members of his family. People are people in his world and they all deserve the same treatment. With that being said, Farmer is no Mother Theresa. He can be cocky, obnoxious and full of himself but these attributes are far overshadowed by the genius and passion he carries through out this world.

This book tells Farmer's life story through the lens of his current person. You see why him creating a science club in the third grade is important to the person he has become, or how his interactions with this parents created the intense personal drive that has led him on his path.

If you want to know about real people doing real good for this world I strongly encourage you to read this book. You will be amazed at how much difference one truly passionate person can make.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

New Project; Attempt #1

I've already written one post about how much I love Oh, the Places You'll Go by Dr. Suess so it occur ed to me to start there for the new phase of my creative outlet project. I painted this one in the spirit of Suess and think it went pretty well. His style is just so whimsical and enchanting and in that spirit this is how the painting came out. I'm obviously not any kind of amazing talent but art in general is not an exclusive club so I'm going to keep doing it and trying new thigns until I don't enjoy it any more.

Witht that said, I really enjoyed the process of reading a book and "feeling" it enough to then create something from the inspiration of the story. Books really do bring joy and I hope everyone can find a book, or three that can have a great impact on their life.

Keep looking for more paintings and more reviews. I have several in the works. HAPPY SUNDAY AND HAPPY READING!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New project!

Hey everyone. I've been reading a lot so look for some new reviews soon. I've got a new project in mind. I obviously have a passion for literature but really my passion is the arts in general; theater, music, films, all of those things really make me happy and give me something to think about. So I've decided I'm going to merge two of my favorite things; literature and painting.

When I was 5 if you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have told you with supreme confidence and total certitude that I was going to be either a Power Ranger or an artist. I later realized Power Rangers are not real and then I found out that I outgrew any true artistic talent at around age 10. But painting makes me happy and is a great outlet for me so I'm starting again. It doesn't matter to me anymore that the work itself is not great, it's original and it's mine and that's enough for me. My happiness will no longer be defined by others approval, it will be self- made, self preserved, and throughly enjoyed.

So, as part of a self improvement/ creative outlet, I am going to start painting literature related pieces. Not sure what will come out of this little experiment but it's bound to be fun. I've done one already based on Dr. Suess "Oh, the places you'll go" and really enjoyed the whole process. I will post a picture soon. With the painting I write a little blurb about the book that inspired it and what about the book specifically the painting represents.

So keep checking back for new reviews and paintings! They will be coming in mass in the next couple of weeks. When I get on a roll I really fly. Who knows, if they have any merit and anyone likes them I could take requests; Christmas is only 82 days away. Ha! But, let's not get ahead of ourselves or my talent :)

Happy reading everyone!

"Read in order to live." - Gustave Flaubert