Monday, February 2, 2015

Soapbox: Open Letter about Bullying

Because this is my blog, I am going to use this post as a soapbox. I want to talk about bullying.

Being only 25 years old, I can remember very well the times, in middle school especially, when I was bullied, teased, and made the butt of the jokes whispered behind my back just loud enough for me to hear.

            My one true saving grace through all of my school years was that I was and am still insanely athletic so I was grouped in with the athletes as opposed to the losers, which believe me, without my talent to hit a big yellow ball, I would have been in.
            It seems like every day when I turn on my computer one of the first headline stories I see is about a young person, I mean 9 and 10 years old sometimes, hurting or killing themselves because of relentless bullying.

            My era of school was a lot less pressure because the social media outlets where a lot of this bullying is living didn't exist. MySpace was just becoming a thing early in my high school years and even then it wasn't yet a widely used outlet. There was no Facebook, no Instagram, No Snapchat; nothing that could follow me home. If we were being bullied in school, at least we knew when we got off the bus or got into our parent's car it was over until the next day.

            Kids today do not have that luxury and it really has started to make me uncomfortable and fearful for the future. I do not have any children but someday I hope to and I cannot fathom what the world will look like at that time; the uncertainty is terrifying.  

            Most people believe that bullying comes from a sense of overcompensation on the part of the tormentor and I guess I would agree but I truly think that some people are just not good. Even at a young age some people were just born with anger and hate in their soul and often their upbringing only fuels the flames.
            I don't know what to tell the kid that only encounters hate or judgments. Stay strong, and It'll get better are clichés that can only go so far. Being bullied leaves mark so strong that they will shape the adults these kids are too come and worst of all may be that they will only then encounter adult bullies at the other end of adolescence.
To the bullied: Take the odds that are stacked against you and use them as your stepping stones in life. Look inside to find and nurture the things you like about yourself. Use the tough skin you will develop to not be afraid of scraping your knee when you embark on amazing adventures. Look at your bullies with pity and sadness knowing they are misguided and lost. Find peace in your interests and what makes you unique. Foster relationships with people who 'get you' and learn to lean on them. It will not be easy but it will never stay the same. There is always the opportunity for change around the corner and one of those turns will bring better things than you left behind. Even though there are more than 6 billion people in this world you still matter. You are something that truly cannot be replicated or replaced. Keep that in consideration when it feels like a mass of sameness. Being rare is more valuable than mass produced replicas.

To the bullies: Try to step back and put yourself in your victim's shoes. No one likes feeling isolated; no one likes the façade of a tough guy or a mean girl. Your act of cowardice in trying to convey dominance is so transparent. You are showing your weakness and short comings. Be brave enough to confront yourself in the mirror and truly ask if you like the person you see reflected there. If not, you can change. An apology does not change the past but it can alter the future. There is always an opportunity to be better than your upbringing, better than your past self. Breaking someone else does not make you stronger. Hate fuels hate and there is enough of that in the world without your contribution. Different does not equal wrong and disagreement does not equal consent. If you don’t agree or don’t like what/who someone is, fine. But it gives you no right to make a case against them, just don’t join in. Use the effort you expend towards putting people down to, if nothing else, make yourself better. You don’t have to be the saving grace to the whole world but you can save yourself and positively impact people around you.
            Seeing all of the negatives in the world today it is a wonder anyone can be positive and selfless but that's what we need. We need people to see beyond their 20/20 vision of the world and open their eyes to the impact a smile can have, a well timed compliment or a random act of kindness.

It can be different. We can be different. I can be different.
Anti-Bullying Resources:

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