Thursday, February 19, 2015

Valentine's Day

One of the only days on the calendar that I know of which is so strongly both love and hated. Poor St. Valentine whose name has been written is swirling script across balloons, stuffed animals, candy and cards in the commercialized attempt of people showing how much they care for one another based on the gifts that they exchange.

I'm sorry that is a bit pessimistic but coming from someone who never had a valentine until last year, I get why people have mixed feeling about the day. The worst was in middle and high school when it fell on a school day. Thankfully adolescents are spared that humiliation this year.

Valentine's Day is all about love and there have been no stronger portrayals of love than in books from the beginning of the written language. Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Margaret Mitchell along with so many others made love something more than clichéd words on a candy heart.

If you don’t have that romance in your life or you feel lonely this Valentine's Day I encourage you to pick up a book. Maybe treat yourself to that brand new one at the bookstore that you've had your eye on or take yourself for a coffee date and get comfortable in a big plush chair. You can get swept away by a romance as big as Gone with the Wind or escape it all completely into a land of aliens and time vortexes simply by turning the page.

No day on a calendar should make you feel alone or that you are missing out on something. I have been there and I remember it well. The only thing I know for absolute certain is that a book has never failed to make me feel something. If I want to change my emotional mind set or escape from my daily life I can always crack open a book and be someone, somewhere, anything else for a while.

Valentine's Day 2015- Date a book.

Write on. -T

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