Friday, January 9, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge

Ah the new year. A time of beginnings, much needed endings and the always enthusiastic yet rarely followed through with resolutions.

I myself am not much of a resolution maker but I am a goal maker. I often write goals or things  I want to accomplish for the month, week or even for the day. My type A personality ensures that I am constantly in the middle of at least one To-Do list.

So this year one of my big goals is to finish the 2015 reading challenge that I was well, challenged to. The list is 50 items long and has criteria like, 'Read a book by an author with your same initials' and 'Read a book that is over 500 pages long'. You can find the entire list on the link below.

 I managed to read 51 books last year which is about one a week but I also took large chunks of time off for my writing so I think I can manage to complete the list with using only one book per category.

I'm looking forward to the challenge because I can all ready tell it will get me out of my reading comfort zone. I like to think I am really open minded when it comes to my book but I do find myself reading similar titles or genres. I can't help what I like but I can also be willing to explore new territory. It will also help me get some of the long term to be reads off the shelf. I am completely guilty of buying multiple new books when I have hundreds I have not read yet.

Along with the challenge that is my biggest reading goal for the year; to read what I have before getting something new as often as possible. Anyone who has an obsession with books like I do knows how hard this will be.

I hope for all you that 2015 is a year of firsts and bests, fun and adventure and most of all, I hope that 2015 is a year of good reading.

-Write on. -T

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