Saturday, August 20, 2011

4 for the price of....2? Maybe

Yesterday I did one of my all time favorite things; I went to the bookstore. Borders is going out of business so I have been checking back in to see what's left and what the discounts look like. I have mixed emotions about this whole thing. I love getting books cheap, but I am sad at the idea of someday soon no longer being able to physically go to the store and browse for hours. This topic runs into the e-book vs. print book debate which I will post about soon. But as for yesterday, I ended up buying four books for $28. These four will be added to the large stack of yet to be read books that I have accumulated but I eventually get to them all.

What I love most about book sales is that it releases people from the feeling of "getting your monies worth" which allows us to step outside the box of what we usually buy. There is a mentality of "If I'm spending $15 I want to like the book so I'm going to go with the familiar". This is such a hindrance to the joy you can find in being pleasantly surprised. My mom is a perfect example; She hates period pieces, or historical fictions so when she saw "The Help" months ago she wrote it off as something she would hate. But the inevitable hype got her to read it and she really loved. Now whether this will translate to a dramatic shift in genre choosing, I doubt it, but she did gain an appreciation for the unfamiliar.

So literary tip for the day: Step outside your comfort zone. You may be pleasantly surprised, and if not, there is never a wasted experience and whether you know it or not you learned something.

Happy Reading.

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