Tuesday, August 23, 2011

98 3/4 percent guaranteed

A little perspective and renewed appreciation of life in general is always a good thing and for me, that oddly enough comes from reading Oh, the places you'll Go by Dr. Seuss. I know this may seem strange but this book is like a mini spiritual guide and some of the best encouragement you can ever seek to find. When things don't go the way I've planned or I feel lost in this 6 billion person world, I pull out this children's classic and sit down for 5 minutes and let myself get taken in by the color, simplicity, and purity of the message. This book is often given as a graduation present, which is very appropriate, but it is such a great read for an anytime re-assessment of life in general.

To me this book is one that is a realistic way to convey the mess that is life to young children. It is great to fill their heads with hope and big dreams, but for a kid (and now adult) like me, I much preferred realistic versions of what I was up against. It ends with hope, as all life should, but it doesn't brush over the fact that a lot of time you will hit walls that you just can't get over. There will be times when you think you've hit the bottom, but that is the best place to start because you can only go up from there.

There are two pages in this book that frighten and sadden me at the same time. It's because I see so many people, usually middle aged adults, who have made this there reality. The pages are about what Dr. Seuss describes as "The waiting place".
The page reads; "...for people just waiting. Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or No or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting. Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite or waiting around for Friday night or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil, or a better break or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants or a wig with curls, or another chance. Everyone is just waiting."

The waiting place is a place I never want to be. I want to create the life of my dreams and the only thing stopping me or anyone from that life is ourselves. Create your own destiny, be willing to make mistakes, be willing to be silly and take risks. Failure is only as devastating as we let it be. Failure is beginning of triumph. One thing that I have started to make a priority in my life is to try and regain childlike wonderment. As a kid everything was interesting and exciting and falling down was expected. Responsibility and age should not be able to steal that from me or anyone else. The most dreaded word in the English language to me is "Routine". This short, simple children's books reminds us all that we may not be able to control our circumstances, but we can control how we deal with them. Our happiness and spirit is ours for the making.

My goal in life has always been to do it my way. The good, the bad, and everything in between as long as it was my decision and what I waned at the time then I have no regrets. This book with its rhymes and colors reminds me that I am the captain of this ship and if I don't like something, who says I can't change it? I have brains in my head, and feet in my shoes, and I can steer myself any direction I choose. At this time in my life, this message resonates more now then it ever has before. And if you find yourself in need of a little encouragement or you realize maybe your one of those people in "The waiting place" remember that......KID YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS!

So next time your in a bookstore or you come across this book in your child's bookshelf, do yourself a favor and take 5 minutes to sit down and read it. It will brighten your day and remind you that it's never too late and no mistake is too great (that was my own rhyme ;).

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