Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Welcome Back!

Hi all!


It has been some time since I dusted off this old blog but just like everyone else life has gotten the best of my timing.


However, I do have some exciting updates about my goings on.


  1. I have started tackling a new list of must read books that will ‘Make You More Interesting’. So far it has been exciting reads but I have many more to go. I will give more details on the list and what I’m reading along with it soon.
  2. My closest friends and I have been conducting a book club fairly continuously for the last year or so. As a reader I find it so gratifying to sit around a table with people I respect to discuss how we felt about the same book. This is why literature is so important and why I’ve centered some of my most cherished memories around books.
  3. MOST exciting of all, for me at least, is that I’ve completed 2nd round drafts of a full manuscript for a book I have been writing. It is classified as New Adult genre and as it stands it is around 80,000 words. This has been a very long, very difficult task but so rewarding. I am currently sending it out for critique readers to complete my final edits and call it done. It will go into a file that I am building to hopefully, in the near future, send to a literary agent to try my luck at being published. For now the accomplishment of just finishing a book is incredibly rewarding.
  4. I am also gearing up for NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month. This yearly event takes place in November and all participants have the goal of completing a 50,000 word draft in one month. It will be extremely challenging but very fun, I am looking forward to it. I have a solid idea that I think will be just the right style for this adventure.


As a writer/blogger I understand that there are certain expectations of maintaining a blog and in the last months I have not done my part. I thought about starting a whole new blog but my archived entries are valuable to me and I enjoy seeing them.


So, in using all the tools I have to my advantage I am going to revamp the blog, share about my writing process, and offer helpful hints/notes/topics I come across along the way. I will still write about what I’m reading but I will also be talking about what I’m writing, my path towards committing myself to becoming a better writer and engaging with the literary community.

As an aspiring writer, or whatever I am, I realize that the community is the most integral part to be a success. I consider myself a success if my words get read, and I have a lot of words to share.


So, I thank all of you who have come back to this blog and I welcome all of the newcomers. I would like to interact more, take questions, suggestions, and make this a conversation.


I look forward to where this will take me, I hope you do to.

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