Friday, October 31, 2014

NaNo Eve

I can't believe it is here. Tomorrow is November 1st. 


  For most people today is all about Halloween. Sane people are planning the last minute details of their costumes and are getting ready to make their big entrance into at least one party. I however will be calling it an early night to let me my brain rest for the first day of the insane challenge that is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).

For those of you who are unfamiliar, NaNoWriMo is held every November and is a grass-root, social movement to motivate people to write their stories. The goal is 50,000 words by the end of the month which works out to 1,667 words per day.

 I can tell you now that I realize this is a ridiculous goal but I am also excited. The novelty will wear off but hopefully at that point I have a story I enjoy enough to want to see through to the end. As it stands I have a very vague idea so here's hoping.

Having a full time job will make the timing of this hard as will the physical toll. I know you're reading that and thinking 'How is writing a physical toll' but think about it. Anyone who has a desk job knows that sitting in a chair for any length of time is agonizing, your head starts to feel like an anvil on your neck, your eyes burn from looking at a screen, and continuous typing will seriously leave your hands aching.

I have the double whammy of having to work eight hours during the day doing keystrokes at the computer and then having to come home to sit at another desk...but I shall suffer for my art! 

I have multiple distractions this month as well that will need to be worked around. The first weekend of the month I will have a very welcome visitor for a long weekend, and then of course there is the Thanksgiving holiday at the end of the month and the subsequent shopping that goes along with it. My goal in these situations will be to up my word count in the days prior so that if I really cannot carve out time to write on a few days I wouldn’t fall too far behind.

As much as I have really enjoyed the downtime these last few weeks I am excited to explore a new writing style and a new story. As the clock strikes 12 on the 1st my journey begins. Wish me luck and look for updates!

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