Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Damn you NaNo!

Who thought this project was a good idea?! I mean writing 1,667 words a day is insane! 

Okay, it's no one's fault but my own that I've gotten so far behind but I still am going to exercise my right to be a prat. Between overwhelming stresses at work, needing to blow off the steam on weekends and having had a mini vacation thrown in I am well off my word count goals as we pass the halfway mark on the month. 

My plan to make up words a little each day to make up for the shortage was a good one but I didn’t follow through on it. I was writing everyday but I wasn’t even hitting the daily 1,667 minimum so I was continuing to dig my hole deeper when I really needed to be climbing back out.

The easy answer is that I am getting distracted and am not writing but the true answer is that I am not believing in my story and myself doubt is making me believe it's not any good so I am not wanting to work on it. I'm not sure if my lack of planning worked against me here or if the idea has just run its course.

I feel encouraged today though because a unexpected plot twist seemed to crop up which will give me some momentum. If I can ride the wave and build the second half of the story around it then I may just yet hit the 50k goal come the 31st. 

I need to keep my mind focused on this month as a beneficial writing exercise and a task in persistence and consistency. Outwardly I told myself that I wouldn’t write a Pulitzer prize winner in the month but my writers ego still hoped I would. Now eighteen days in the realization hits my pride and lets me know clearly this isn’t going to be anything special but it will be...
  • Beneficial
  • A learning experience
  • Great practice
  • Developing discipline
  • Making me better

That is what these last thirteen days will be about; accomplishing a goal, not giving up, and continuing to try and leave me doubts behind. This will not be the best thing I write, nor will it be the last.

On a happy note, this is a picture of Benedict Cumberbatch which always makes things better. Enjoy.

-Write On -T

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